Since 2007 CAPA has compiled and published statistics for Canadian honey bee colony losses. These statistics provide an ongoing picture of the health of apiculture…

Provincial Apiarists across Canada have worked together to summarize the main requirements for moving bees within the country. This is a simple guide to follow…

Best Management Practices (BMPs) for the honey bee industry are developed by different levels and divisions of government, various organizations, institutions and stakeholders. Content ranging…

The following publications were produced by Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada and are presently out of print. They provide information on commonly grown livestock forage crops…

Published by CAPA in 1995 and now out of print, A Guide to Managing Bees for Crop Pollination, provides excellent information for beekeepers involved in pollination,…

Nosema disease in honey bees is caused by two different species of Nosema apis and Nosema ceranae. This page contains links to information on the biology,…

Are you interested in implementing an integrated pest management program for varroa mites? The attached guide provides thresholds developed from research at the University of…

Honey bees are among the most challenging livestock to breed. The following articles provide great guides on the theory and practice of propagating and breeding…

Excellent out-of-print resources on managing non-Apis pollinators. Construction Designs for Alfalfa Leafcutter Bee Shelters (Richards 1979) Alfalfa Leaf Cutter in Northwestern Canada Management of Alfalfa Leaf Cutting Bee:…