Part of this publication is a list of Pollinator Plants and Planting in Saskatchewan. https://pubsaskdev.blob.core.windows.net/pubsask-prod/116104/Beelines_2020.pdf

CAPA’s “Honey Bee Diseases and Pests” is a full-colour, comprehensive guide to honey bee diseases, pests and predators. The history, biology, identification and treatments are…

Best Management Practices (BMPs) for the honey bee industry are developed by different levels and divisions of government, various organizations, institutions and stakeholders. Content ranging…

Courtesy of the Canadian Honey Council Canadian Beekeepers Practical Handbook to Bee Biosecurity and Food Safety Also available on the CHC website – http://www.honeycouncil.ca/handbook.php

Published by CAPA in 1995 and now out of print, A Guide to Managing Bees for Crop Pollination, provides excellent information for beekeepers involved in pollination,…